Friday, April 30, 2010

DIA-bound? Join us for networking and brainstorming at Oya

Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device executives: are you going to the Drug Information Association (DIA) meeting in Washington, DC, June 13-17?

How do you advance discoveries? Join Advanced Clinical for cocktails, networking happy hour, brainstorming and make clinical trials better. We are meeting at Oya on Monday, June 14 at 5 p.m.

Oya is a beautiful contemporary Asia-French fusion restaurant and lounge in Penn Quarter, blocks from the DIA conference headquarters.

We hope you can join us! Please email for more details and to RSVP.

Don't forget! Enter our “how do you advance discoveries” contest and your company could win an iPad and get a mention in our press release.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Propel clinical trials with Continuous Learning

Advanced Clinical, the trusted CRO among the world's top pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies, is enhancing Continuous Learning as a part of their Industry Leading Trial Performance method.

Advanced Clinical is experienced enough with trials to know that trials sometimes deviate from the original plan to improve scheduling, avoid risk, and improve efficiency and optimize the entire project. Continuous learning keeps everyone working on a trial up-to-date with those improvements. Change is not always good for a trial, but continuous learning and improvements means the right changes are being made.*

Continuous learning leads to success,** which is what AC wants for its clients.

Does this sound like a good way to advance discoveries? We think it is. Enter our “how do you advance discoveries” contest and your company could win an iPad and get a mention in our press release.



*Is Change Always Good In Business?, Brian Chernett, CEO of the Academy for Chief Executives .

**Success Made Simple, Erik Wesner.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

How do you advance discoveries? NOW--Win an iPad!

Now, winners receive an iPad and mention in our winners press release!

Shorten clinical trials. Reduce risk. Reduce cost! We need YOUR ideas!

Eighty billion drugs are predicted to come off patent in the next three years. While some say this release of patents may save money for the healthcare system as a whole because generics will take the place of those coming off patent, there is no replacement for many drugs and there are patients that need these drugs. As a result, Pharmaceuticals and Biotech companies have two key imperatives:

  • "Advance discoveries", aka, reduce clinical trial timelines

  • Reduce the escalating costs and risks associated with drug development

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal "Clinical Trial Death Watch" (March 16th 2010) echoes these imperatives. The message from the Wall Street Journal article is: there is a resounding need for efficiency and effectiveness to accelerate clinical trials. Even the government is trying to help with the acceleration of clinical trials. One recent study focused on collaboration. There are, however, still many complex issues that create barriers to realizing these imperatives. See, Forbes (March 26th, 2010 "Research and Markets: Investigating Clinical Trial Costs").

Advanced Clinical wants to ask pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies, “How do you advance discoveries?” What are the best practices you use to shorten clinical trials? How do you reduce risk and cost in drug development? Do you have a strong risk management approach, employee training, or metrics management? Advanced Clinical would like your ideas to create Industry Leading Trial Performance in clinical research.

Let us know how you advance discoveries here. If you win, your ideas will be part of our press release in June, and you will win an iPad! The winning list of ideas will be posted on June 20, 2010.

For winning list announcement, you can follow Advanced Clinical on facebook or on one of our social networks:

Advanced Clinical Facebook Page


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Team Integration from Advanced Clinical

Many times there is limited or no effort taken to create a joint view of the goals that should be achieved during a clinical trial. As a result, the clinical team is not productive as a unit as they become "disengaged". Disengaged employees are 33% less productive on average according to several reports*.

This loss of productivity is unacceptable at Advanced Clinical. We want to give you your dream team.

This costs companies a lot of money, risk, and time. Several studies* have been performed on the linkage among team building, team cohesion, and team performance. An integrated team will achieve improvements in performance by developing the right "Team Culture" and adopting the behaviors needed to support and reinforce that culture. A strong Team Culture leads to reduction of waste, duplication, unnecessary processes and procedures. Most importantly, team culture leads to the willingness to succeed.

To keep clinicians and consultants in the loop with your project, Advanced Clinical has built a "Team Integration Method." Our method succeeds in creating a completely harmonized team, whether working on-site or off-site to ensure maximum employee engagement, productivity and overall performance.

Advanced Clinical believes our consultants should be "close" with not only their colleagues on a project, but the project managers and your colleagues as well. Bonding exercises and introductions take place before our clinical trials. Mutual respect and complete communication is ongoing to keep workplace karma good, and, ultimately, to ensure successful trials completion. Goal setting keeps their eyes on the prize, and personality awareness makes better working relationships.

Does this sound like a good way to advance discoveries? We think it is. Enter our “How do you advance discoveries” contest and your company could be mentioned in our press release.

Enter today.



Bloom, G. A., Stevens, D. E., and Wickwire, T. L. (2003). Expert coaches’ perceptions of team building. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 15: 129-143.
Crron, A.V., Brawley, L.R., and Widmeyer, W. N. (1985). The Group Environment Questionnaire.
Carron, A.V., Bray, S.R., and Eys, M.A. (2002).Team cohesion and team success in sport. Journal of Sports Sciences, 20, 119-126.
Dirks, K.T. (2000). Trust in leadership and team performance: evidence from NCAA basketball. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(6) 1004-1012.
Ebbeck, V. and Gibbons, S. L. (1998). The effect of a team building program on the self-conceptions of grade 6 and 7 physical education students. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20; 300-310.
Everett, J. J., Smith, R. E., and Williams, K.D. (1992). Effects of team cohesion and identifiably on social loafing in relay swimming performance. International Journal of Sport Psychology. 23: 311-324.
Kozub, S.A. & Button, C.J. (2000). The influence of a competitive outcome on perceptions of cohesion in rugby and swimming teams. International Journal of Sport Psychology. 31: 82-95.
Landers, D. M. and Luschen, G. (1974). Team performance outcomes and the cohesiveness of competitive coacting groups. International Review of Sports Sociology. 5: 57-69.
Martin, R. and Davids, K. (1995). The effects of group development techniques on a professional athletic team. The Journal of Social Psychology, 135 (4) 533-535.
Meyer, B.B., Wenger, M.S. (1998). Athletes and adventure education: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 29, 243-266.
Murphy, J. M. (2001). The effect of a one-time team building exercise on team cohesion.
Sencecal, J., Loughead, T.M., and Bloom (2008). A season-long team-building intervention: examining the effect of team goal setting on cohesion. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 30, 186-199.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Advanced Clinical launches “How Do You Advance Discoveries?” contest

Shorten clinical trials. Reduce risk. Reduce cost! We need YOUR ideas!

Eighty billion drugs are predicted to come off patent in the next three years. While some say this release of patents may save money for the healthcare system as a whole because generics will take the place of those coming off patent, there is no replacement for many drugs and there are patients that need these drugs. As a result, Pharmaceuticals and Biotech companies have two key imperatives:

  • “Advance discoveries”, aka, reduce clinical trial timelines
  • Reduce the escalating costs and risks associated with drug development

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal “Clinical Trial Death Watch” (March 16th 2010) echoes these imperatives. The message from the Wall Street Journal article is: there is a resounding need for efficiency and effectiveness to accelerate clinical trials. Even the government is trying to help with the acceleration of clinical trials. One recent study focused on collaboration. There are, however, still many complex issues that create barriers to realizing these imperatives. See, Forbes (March 26th, 2010 “Research and Markets: Investigating Clinical Trial Costs“).

Advanced Clinical wants to offer pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies a chance to be in our press release by answering the question: "How do you accelerate a clinical trial"?

Is it by ensuring strong team chemistry/integration; using robust communication methods, etc? Is it something else? Advanced Clinical would like your ideas to create Industry Leading Trial Performance in clinical research.

Let us know how you advance discoveries here. If you win, your ideas will be part of our press release in the beginning of August! The winning list of ideas will be posted on August 1st, 2010.

How do you advance discoveries?

For winning list announcement, you can follow Advanced Clinical on facebook or on one of our social networks:
