Thursday, August 12, 2010

Database Development and Biostatistics: A Collaborative Process

If you could put a price on your clinical data in a given trial, how much would yours be worth? Millions, perhaps. With the ability to unlock discoveries, trends and relationships, you likely view this data as invaluable. It has all the potential of being either a perfectly packaged group of key findings – or a mass of erroneous variables.

The same group of variables that can reveal remarkable findings can also produce ceaseless headaches when handled incorrectly. When can you determine which path your data are headed down?

The Oracle Clinical database development and biostatistics teams at Advanced Clinical are standardizing the data upfront in a collaborative effort to streamline projects. By making the data CDISC compatible at the beginning of a trial, there is far less room for error and miscommunication throughout each project, from start to finish.

Typically, the database development and biostatistics teams are separate entities. Although they serve the same client, they often operate completely independently of one another. In the traditional paradigm, data inconsistencies are often discovered far along into the project. As a result, teams have to go backwards to see where the problem originated. The new process involves collaboration between the database development and biostatistics teams and implementation of CDISC standards early in the development life cycle.

What does this mean for a client? The teams now understand each other’s language, resulting in seamless workflow communication, increased data quality, easier transfer of data between teams and consistency across studies as well as time and cost savings. And, most important, there is more time to enhance your discoveries.


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